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Meet The Japanese Kurds

Meet the Japanese Kurds

A Kurdish community illustrates the senselessness of Japan's immigration

The city of Kawaguchi is home to Japan's largest Kurdish community and Ramazan's family.

Ramazan left Iraqi Kurdistan for Japan in the 1980s, fleeing Saddam Hussein's regime. He settled in Kawaguchi, a city just north of Tokyo, and started a family. Today, there are around 1,000 Kurds living in Kawaguchi, making it the largest Kurdish community in Japan.

The Kurds are an ethnic group with a distinct language and culture. They are native to the mountainous region of Kurdistan, which is divided between Turkey, Iraq, Iran, and Syria. The Kurds have a long history of being persecuted by the governments of these countries.

In Japan, the Kurds are a relatively new immigrant group. They began arriving in the 1980s, fleeing the Iran-Iraq War. Many of them settled in Kawaguchi, which is known for its large Turkish community. The Kurds and Turks have a long history of cooperation and friendship.

The Kurds in Kawaguchi have built a vibrant and successful community. They have their own schools, mosques, and cultural centers. They are also active in local politics and have been elected to the city council.

Professor Saburo Takizawa exposes an illicit network smuggling Kurds to the West and..

The Kurds are a welcome addition to Kawaguchi. They are hard-working and contribute to the local economy. They are also a reminder of the importance of immigration and the need for Japan to welcome newcomers.
